Thank you for all that you do!

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Just sharing some fod for thought.

When the Two State Solution Sought is Michigan and Minnesota, and not Israel and Palestine https://tinyurl.com/2kcsw27j

Neo-Racism in The Twenty-First Century https://shorturl.at/adJNS

Latte-Drinking, Blue Hair-Wearing, Granola-Eating Dudes and American Eschatology https://shorturl.at/rVW67

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I've gone through many of your videos, but haven't seen one on what a good civilian duty belt should include for church security teams. I would think comms, weapon, pepper spray, knife, flashlight, small IFAK, etc. But, that can start getting bulky for churches that want a team but don't want to advertise it. Any chance of doing a video on this in the future?

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FYI God-fearing real Canadians are gathering all.overvthis great land along highways to proclaim, flags of many kinds waving, including the Gatlin flag, how we feel about Trudeau the.Tyrant and his evil deceit and theft from us all. He's going down, he knows it, and his commie cronies and paid-off media are hacking at him. That's what the godless fools always have done. Solidarity is ours.

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