Was there somewhere in there that I said I didn't put my trust in the Lord? Have I ever said that? No. No I haven't. The Lord also gives us self defense protection to help us when evil strikes. Please, let me know what I am missing here.
Your cutting down a brother for something he has clearly stated numerous times in past videos? I highly suggest you search your own heart in regard to your above statement and why you thought that was an appropriate.
Nehemiah 4 clearly shows us that protecting one's self and the Lord's places of worship is a biblical principle. I will pray you truly look into this and your own heart.
Keith, serious question, I’m in Arizona. My church also has a K-12 school on premises. Based on my understanding, everyone that carries is required to have a state issued CCW permit to possess a firearm on the property, or within 1000 yards of the property per Federal law. Is that correct?
Thanks for your great service, Keith. I want to make sure I properly identify the group you refer to as Right to Bear. There are a few organizations out there which use that phrase in their name and I want to make sure I know which one you mean.
Good stuff. Check out Massad Ayoob's 5 points to cover with LE after an incident. 1. I am the victim. 2. That guy is the assailant. 3. Point out other witnesses. 4. Point out physical evidence related to the event. 5. I need to gave an attorney before I answer questions, and need least 24 hours. Now SHUT UP: do not answer any questions or "tell your story."
Excellent job Keith! I follow William pretty religiously (sorry for the pun) and feel lucky he is based here and reports on and from my new home state of Washington. This interview certainly adds depth and context, as well as reinforcing those basic concepts I’ve absorbed over my years of experience in law enforcement. I’ll be watching this again in the future just as a refresher, if only to reinforce the concept of… shut up!!!
A discussion point. William Kirk said something like, “put the weapon back in the holster in the same condition as it was when you fired the last shot”. Certainly that doesn’t mean that you do not decock or put a safety on as appropriate for your firearm. Since you don’t know for sure that you are done defending yourself, might it still be wise to fill the cylinders or put in a fresh magazine?
Tactics first, evidence second. If the gun fight is over, then certainly put it away in a safe manner, such as decocking. I would definitely have it put away before the police show up because you will look like just another bad person when they roll up.
God protect us first! However, this is great information to keep in the back pocket for the just in case situation. Thank you and GBY!
Whatever happened to calling upon the Lord for protection? The name of the Lord is a strong tower. The righteous go into it and are safe.
Was there somewhere in there that I said I didn't put my trust in the Lord? Have I ever said that? No. No I haven't. The Lord also gives us self defense protection to help us when evil strikes. Please, let me know what I am missing here.
Ps. 144:1
Your cutting down a brother for something he has clearly stated numerous times in past videos? I highly suggest you search your own heart in regard to your above statement and why you thought that was an appropriate.
Nehemiah 4 clearly shows us that protecting one's self and the Lord's places of worship is a biblical principle. I will pray you truly look into this and your own heart.
Keith, serious question, I’m in Arizona. My church also has a K-12 school on premises. Based on my understanding, everyone that carries is required to have a state issued CCW permit to possess a firearm on the property, or within 1000 yards of the property per Federal law. Is that correct?
Keith, what is the name of the organization or office that can tell us which lawyer is being used by officers? You mentioned it in the video.
The fraternal order of police. The best way to find out is to talk to a local beat cop. They already have all of this figured out.
Great video and thank you for doing this interview
Thanks for your great service, Keith. I want to make sure I properly identify the group you refer to as Right to Bear. There are a few organizations out there which use that phrase in their name and I want to make sure I know which one you mean.
Right here Norman:
Many thanks Keith. Christ's blessings to you.
Great interview. I watched it on YouTube.
Good stuff. Check out Massad Ayoob's 5 points to cover with LE after an incident. 1. I am the victim. 2. That guy is the assailant. 3. Point out other witnesses. 4. Point out physical evidence related to the event. 5. I need to gave an attorney before I answer questions, and need least 24 hours. Now SHUT UP: do not answer any questions or "tell your story."
We live in dangerous times. May The Lord grant us wisdom and discernment as such.
Excellent job Keith! I follow William pretty religiously (sorry for the pun) and feel lucky he is based here and reports on and from my new home state of Washington. This interview certainly adds depth and context, as well as reinforcing those basic concepts I’ve absorbed over my years of experience in law enforcement. I’ll be watching this again in the future just as a refresher, if only to reinforce the concept of… shut up!!!
Keep bringing us quality content my friend!
Great interview. Keep up the good work.
Keith, are you able to share the attorney you mentioned with us? Name and city perhaps? Thanks again!
Mike Raines? He’s in Pleasant Hill, CA. Raines, Lucia, Stern LLP
Thank you!
A discussion point. William Kirk said something like, “put the weapon back in the holster in the same condition as it was when you fired the last shot”. Certainly that doesn’t mean that you do not decock or put a safety on as appropriate for your firearm. Since you don’t know for sure that you are done defending yourself, might it still be wise to fill the cylinders or put in a fresh magazine?
Tactics first, evidence second. If the gun fight is over, then certainly put it away in a safe manner, such as decocking. I would definitely have it put away before the police show up because you will look like just another bad person when they roll up.