Very good observations and suggestions. Keith, please keep up the good work. You are blessing all of us with your experience and expertise in the field.

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Another outstanding article and you can count on Psalm 144:1 being 100% front of mind in everyone in my sphere of influence. You're living the Message! What a week KG!

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Thank you, Brother! Blessings 🙏🏽

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Keith, I respect you brother...but please don't carry water for the slow incompetence we saw last weekend. Yes, I know those events can be chaotic as I ran security for an anti-abortion rally and a few other things in the past. However, leaving a building and or rooftop unsecured in that close proximity to the primary is 101 stuff. If that was part of the planning for the event (which Im sure it wasn't), it likely was completely out of protocol or just plain 'ol incompetence (or on purpose?). It was clear that there was a lack of training and skill required to do the job. Perhaps its that same old thought process at work "this can't/won't happen here". Criminals are now emboldened to do as they please without fear of reprisal. Was there a consequence in this instance, YES, but did it stop him from trying? NO.

I know that is not the focus of this newsletter, but we've heard too many excuses on this and other things involving the protection of the public at large and folks calling them incidental failures. Uvalde for instance.

Its sad that we now have to run our daily lives with the vigilance of a military operation. However, if we lack that scrutiny its apparent as things get crazier, people will be un-alived. This is our new reality.

Every time I walk into church now I'm always at "yellow" watching every thing and everyone and always looking at belt level...I know who carries and who doesn't. Always looking for the things that "dont fit". I also see the fear on peoples faces, that is a place where people shouldn't be afraid. I PRAY that all of us will have the vigilance and courage to ACT swiftly and with impeccability when/if the time comes.

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Keith - You're being far too generous. If you were an amateur sniper, where would you have set up? As you told your sniper teams, "Don't use rooftops because they are too obvious," and this particular rooftop (with the ladder placed against it) and closest to the stage with a frontal view, was FAR to obvious to have been left unchecked. Diversity, equity, and inclusion is a policy not for mediocrity, but for failure. However, GOD is in charge.

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Good stuff, Keith. I am surprised the Secret Service is not using drones for real-time surveillance of hard-to-access areas or when undermanned. Your point about communications highlights the emphasis that everyone on each security team (church or other, whether from different agencies or the same agency) is on the same page and knows the drill. No one gets left out, from the medic to the security detail to those monitoring the entry points and parking lot to the congregation. I have heard some church security advisors recommend keeping the congregation out of it, but I believe this is a massive mistake. There should be clear steps on what to do, where to go, evacuation zones, protection of children, the disabled, the elderly, etc...

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What a graphic example of a failure by professionals to protect.

It shows that even SS can be surprised.

Our churches are much less ready for an incident, and the more you remind us and teach, the better prepared should we be next!!


Retired PO Cal State Parks

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