
So far I’ve had one very angry email calling me a fake Christian, 20 unsubscribes out of 30,000 followers and two new paid members. I’ll call this a win πŸ˜‚

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Keith don't worry about them! Just keep doing what you've been doing for the sake of the safety of all Christ followers.


Kaiti in Dallas TX.

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Keith, I am trying to figure out how to get a question answered. I’ll try this. I am a member of my church’s security and also work as school security for our Academy. I’ve heard conflicting opinions and would like yours. During an active shooter event, is it safer to barricade in place or escape and flee? I want to teach my people what is the best option. I however, will be attacking the threat.

Thank you and you are in my prayers.


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It's a tough decision but we aren't being given the opportunity to remain apolitical. You made the right choice.

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You’ve affirmed my suspicions, we can only pray others see this and take it seriously.

Thank you!

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Yep we better batten down the hatches if this person is elected.

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Thank you. Harris has a very serious problem that is being largely ignored. Too many are making excuses for her and that endangers all of us.

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I watched it last night and thank you Keith for posting it. Apart from this, the local/state politics could also affect to church security as well. It is a crazy world.

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Sep 10Β·edited Sep 10

I commend you for doing this. After seeing many interviews with Harris, I noticed symptoms of impairment as well. I'm sure you are probably ready for the heat coming as this goes viral.

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I knew she was baked a long time ago. The eyes tell the tale. She is probably hitting a vape pen. Her cackling is a dead giveaway she is not a serious person and is under the influence of Marijuana.

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LoL πŸ€£πŸ˜† Funny yes! BUT sadly pathetic to think that our nation's current VP is obviously drunk!πŸš“

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So was/is Pelosi and who knows all else take drugs or drink or other stuff. I know we humans judge sins differently than God and the Lord does, but sin is sin and there is so much of it in the people in DC that are there supposedly to Work together to keep our nation safe, strong, and accountable to the laws and Constitution. That said few are doing so! WE MUST send better people to DC or we are going to be facing communism to run this country. Time for a Revival and all get back to Faith, Church and God before it is too late. Peace, grace and blessings of truth for all of us and America to be saved!

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Keith, our founding fathers of this country were, for the most part, christians and used their faith to form our Constitution. The church needs to hear, from the pulpit what is going on and how to act and react to this onslaught from Satan. Thank you for your boldness. I have been blessed to be a subscriber and encourage others to do the same.

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Thank you for doing this. Interestingly, our message last Sunday was about "Unity" and how we should keep politics out of church. That's well and good to preach, but it is not going to stop politics and politicians from affecting the church. I've been saying this for a long time. Now that you've said it, maybe folks will take me seriously about it.

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Thank you for all that you do,brother! We are up against a mighty principality here!!!

Be ready and prayed up πŸ”₯πŸ›‘οΈβš”οΈπŸ”₯

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Indeed she is impaired. As a coordinator of an armed and unarmed team at a mega church (we have 6 physical locations) I am grateful for the information I receive each week. I not only share with my team but also with the pastors. Keith, your service from LE to JC is much appreciated and an inexpensive investment, in my opinion, for the well being of our church. I am continually reassured when I read and watch what you present, that our team is often already doing what you suggest. It took a long time to convince the elders in the church to accept an armed team and we are insured by our church and have to pass qualifications annually. Note; plural qualifications thank you very much! Keep bringing us the truth Sir. CB Repass

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Thanks Keith always the best information out there. 30 years fire department. The last 5 involved in my church security. BP…..

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Until we all remember why we were founded and what is truly important, we will continue down a

hill to destruction. Divide and harm is of satan--peace, love and truth is of God. About time the rhetoric gets civil, we stand in our patriotism, the Constitution and be the Christians that founded a wonderful country by the grace of God! Insteasd of being snarky playground children be strong Americans again, being moral, civil and strong once more! Before it is too late!

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Yes, America needs to be informed and stand our ground. We would not allow an intoxicated person to care for our kids, why would we allow to control America.

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It has always seemed to me that both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are puppet leaders, saying and doing whatever one or more hidden other people tell them to say and do. That too would be bad for our Republic, but even then the one REALLY in charge remains God.

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My guess was right!!! Thank you for this video and for spelling out your credentials in detail.

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