SHOT Show is in full swing this week, and I’ll be here until Thursday covering topics that I believe will be of interest and benefit to you. For those unfamiliar, SHOT Show is the largest event of its kind, showcasing the latest in firearms, less-lethal tools, and gear for security and defense.
I’ll be reporting on the firearms, tools, and strategies that are most relevant to church security teams. In my latest video, I share a detailed breakdown of the Prairie Fire range day—what went wrong, what could have been better, and the firearms that stood out as exceptional options for active shooter response.
Stay tuned for more updates this week as I evaluate less-lethal options and new handguns to see how they can enhance your church safety ministry.
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In His Service,
Keith Graves
Christian Warrior Training
Keith, Thank you for all of the hard work your doing to keep us informed and prepared to protect our churches. Take all of the hate-mail with a grain of salt and keep going. Our church security team relays heavily upon the info you share with us. Keep the faith and God bless your ministry.
Thanks Keith!