Keith, you truly are a "Christian Warrior" and your determined pursuit to abide in Christ's mission to bring souls to Christ in the midst of a war against Christians is exactly the cohesive spirit that is motivating our church security to keep our congregants safe. Thank you for sharing your years of experience and God gifts. God bless you and your family in these tumultuous times. Onward we march united in Christ.

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I lead a church Safety Team and I’m very grateful that you keep your finger on the pulse of our country and that you’re making every effort to keep us informed. God bless you, my brother.

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Keith. To say Thank You seems to fall short but I have to say it anyway. I found you about a year ago , about the same time we as a church were putting a Team together and you have and are a huge Helping Hand to Me being the Lead. I joined immediately. Your experience is so Valuable , I have passed you on to so many and they too are grateful. Please keep it up and a Great Big , God Bless You & Your Family.

Kelly McDaniel. Gilbert Az. New Hope Comm Church.

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The reason this is happening to the churches is because of their support of a terroristic Nation. This is Gods judgment against them for their idolatry and turning their back on Him.

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Keith, I am a nanny for a 5 year old Jewish girl who takes lessons at the local Jewish Community Center. There was a shooter incident there 10 years ago so they do have armed security. However, I worry as to what we as mothers and care providers should do to protect the children if intruders make their way in or we are caught in the parking lot. It's doubtful that any of us would be carrying. Your thoughts would be appreciated. Thank you!

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Hi Nancy. Keep your head on a swivel, meaning constantly be aware of what is going on around you. If shooting starts, think of where the nearest exit is away from the shooting. Go in the opposite direction. People tend to hunker down. Don't do this. Look for cover (things that stop bullets) and run from cover to cover as you find that exit. Get out of the building and run away, always running away from where the gunfire is coming from. If you start getting shot at, you go to the nearest cover as fast as you can (while dragging whomever you are caring for). Hunker down behind cover, pray to our Lord and Savior and have a plan to attack the person as they approach. Go for eyeballs with sharp objects like your keys or fingers. fight and keep fighting. Remember, you have a 95% chance of living if you are shot. Those are good odds. Keep fighting until that person goes to wherever they think they are going when they die. If you have time/money, consider taking Krav Maga. It is Israeli martial arts and they train you for this exact situation.

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Oct 7Liked by Keith Graves

Keith - May I share this advice with our Sunday School teachers for safety in life in general as well?

We do have a Security Team which follows you here in SoCal with a great Riverside County Sheriff.

PS - Knowing our teachers, the intruders wouldn’t have a chance (some of the grandmothers were in the Greek underground fighting Nazis)

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Absolutely. Just some points to ponder though for the Sunday school team. Dragging 30 kids out of the building is gonna be very rough. For them it’s best to lock the doors and barricade. There has only been one shooting that was an active shooter where they shot through a door to get inside and that was it covenant school in Tennessee. In that case, it was a glass door at the front of the building. I have not been able to find one other active shooter where they shot through an interior locked door.If you’re dealing with one kid or even three kids, that’s one thing. Dealing with an entire Sunday school class is much more difficult.

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Thank you, Keith. You are exactly right. I was thinking of ways to hide and hunker down, not to run from danger.

I am now rethinking my plans. It will also help at my parish that has young families with a lot of children. Us, empty nesters, would need to help them for sure. Thank you!

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Our faith is being tested, as is our resolve. We live in a big country, information is vital to all of us. Thanks for providing a source of current events and a platform to learn and share.

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Is everyone aware of this, also? We should be wise like Joseph and start calmly stocking up on food, water, ammo, medicine,and other necessities like the persecuted Christian FBI agent warns the American people here:


“Be anxious for nothing, but pray…”

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Not just recent intel but prophecy. History may have some cycles but believers know that God's plan has a glorious conclusion.

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Important to keep our churches open but control access. Have one or two points of access, then later in service reduce to one. Have signage available outside so people know where to go. And always be warm and welcoming. My favorite line to newcomers (potential threats or otherwise) is "Oh I've not seen you here before welcome to our parish"; Where are you from?

Have security officers outside before services saying hello but doing a threat assessment on all unknown individuals. Comms notify other officers of possible incoming threat. Remember, once they're in they're in . We're operating in a different world. Be aware, be safe!

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Thank you my Brother … 💪🏻😎🙏🏻🙌🏻

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Well said 🙏🏼 Keith can lead a horse to water but it’s the Horses choice to drink.

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Glad I found. 🥰

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