great review Keith. I have been looking at this stuff for so long it seems. Comparing everything down to the detail of coverage can be mind boggling.

We had a a bit of an overview with Armed Citizen Legal Defense yesterday. The one thing that was off putting to me about them is this scenario: S has hit the fan, you call their hotline, someone picks up and they hear your side of the story...but no action is taken until their "board" convenes and THEY decide that it was a righteous shoot, etc. meanwhile you're sitting in jail, maybe you're charged maybe you're not. Then THEY decide whether or not to take the case on. Doesn't sound much like self defense protection to me. Sounds pretty similar to the kind of behavior we hear coming from other "providers" of this sort of service. i understand no one wants to lose as case, but if you advertise yourself as a service that someone PAYS for then, dern it...you better step up and do your job. If not then I call it fraud.

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ACLDN, like any other 'protection' coverage, has a duty before paying money to assess that it is in fact a lawful justified self-defense action. That's prudent.

That you want an immediate payout before an assessment is foolish. It's not fraudulent to require an assessment. That's how they stay in business.

Your argument is flawed, without merit, and seriously lacking in common business and legal sense.

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Aug 14
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Please demonstrate to me where I said ANYTHING about COST? I wrote, "I understand no one wants to lose a case, but if you advertise yourself as a service that someone PAYS for then, dern it...you better step up and do your job." This is applicable to ANY service out there.

We all have to do our own due diligence in these matters and make choices on what's best for ourselves. I simply stated facts as I have discovered them.

Your attacking my viewpoint, based on facts, being communist is, in fact, a communist viewpoint/tactic- "see it my way or else". Not playing the emoting game.

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I agree with you. You're pointing out legitimate concerns that should be addressed, rather be criticized for having asked them. Appreciate your service to our country.

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Aug 17
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The discussion is really irrelevant to me. Different people have different risk levels that they are willing to accept based on their circumstance. Acdl doesnt fall into my risk acceptance level circumstances. I didn't say they are necessarily bad, just not for me. Not playing the emoting game again.

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Great information Brother!!! Blessings 🙏🏽

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I use Armed Citizen Legal Defense Network for our churches coverage. I live in NY, and their coverage for us seems reasonable. I haven't had to use them but they are proactive in helping answer questions or concerns about them

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Might want to check the legality of your coverage in NY. That state severely restricts legal defense for self defense protection. USCCA, US LAW SHIELD, and others are prohibited by the laws of NY

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Of course they are being the cradle of 21st century tyranny.

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Aug 14
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And the MAG-80. AND whatever tactical classes you can find. Firearms Academy of Seattle is excellent, and is one of the venues Mas uses for his classes.

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Great article thanks for all you do! For those of you stuck in Washington, check out US Law Shield. The insurance commissioner let USLS back in after they complied with all state requirements and got their reps certified as insurance agents. No caps, $10.95/month, and it worked great for Jack Wilson in TX.

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Insurance is what you don't want. If it is backed by INSURANCE, you might want to reconsider

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Hi Keith - can you share the comparison chart you created between the different providers?

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Many church (and church school) sheepdogs are retired law enforcement officers. Several police organizations including labor groups offer concealed coverage for both off duty and retired officers that can provide an added layer of legal protection and some can be economical. For example, PORAC (a California based legal/labor organization) offers CCW coverage and LDF (Legal Defense Fund) protection at very low cost. When I moved to Texas post-retirement I discovered that FOP (Federation of Police) also offers plans for off duty and retired officers.

Be sure to let your homeowner's insurance carrier know that you are interested in an all-perils "Umbrella" policy. These are usually relatively low cost addition to your homeowner's policy that offers additional protection since anyone (or their family) you may shoot, however justified, will likely sue you personally in an effort to cash in on your assets. If you own a home it is a likely target of a civil suit if you are involved in a shooting incident.

Be sure that your church's own insurance carrier, risk management folks, and legal advisors review your team's P&P's (Policies and Procedures) and ROE's so that all stakeholders are on the same page.


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Hey Gary, I personally don’t give PORAC my money anymore. They have endorsed far right people that do not possess biblical values. They have lost their way of the old PORAC days. As for FOP, I do believe that is a better program if you are a retired police officer.

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Yes, PORAC is not the organization it was during my working days. Politics, wokeness, and turning away from biblical values and teaching has ruined so many once great organizations and institutions.

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A homeowners policy will do that? Are you sure that wouldn't have to be a rider on the policy?

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In both California and now Texas my homeowner's policy added an umbrella policy to the existing policy ... perhaps it may be referred to as a "rider" but it is at a reasonable (IMHO) upcharge for the peace of mind. I did, in writing, inform the insurance co. that I was a police officer (back in the day, now retired) who carries.

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Hi Ken, I am unfamiliar of what kind of rider you mentioned related with home insurance. Is it some sort of coverage for civil lawsuits for self defense at my property that can be covered by home insurance?


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Better get that in writing that they will cover it. The umbrella is to cover civil damages in dollars. If you act in self defense, that policy will not provide you immediate access to an attorney, nor will it pay for a criminal defense attorney to defend you during the criminal investigation/and charges filed against you.

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This is why I have RTB

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Correct. It is just to help protect your assets should you lose in civil court. It does nothing for any criminal or departmental actions that would require legal defense. That's what the other policies mentioned above are for.

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I like what you said about Right to Bear. As a retired Attorney and the Leader of a Church Security Team, I like you, know it is important to have Insurance Coverage.

Here is my situation. I live in the best State for Freedom in America, Idaho. However, I am the leader of a Church Security Team at a church 4 miles away from my home. That church is located in Washington.

Does Right to Bear's Insurance cover someone like me who resides in a free State but worships and is the Leader of a Church Security Team in a State such as Washington?

PS did you ever get the video about the Bytna completed?

Thanks and god bless you and all church Security Team Members.

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If you have traveled to Washington State, and have purchased the Multi State coverage option, you would have RTB coverage. RTB cannot sell to residents of Washington State, NJ and NY, but non residents of those states are covered in all 50 states if they have purchased the Multi State coverage

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Thanks, I waned confirmation of that since half of my team lives in Idaho but worships in Washington.

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Thank you so much for your time and resources Keith. I have been researching this as well and find that it just over whelming amount of data. God bless you and UR family.

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Aug 14Edited

Civil liability coverage (individual CCW coverage) would rise to the top in my future choices when I switch companies. I want a company that will cover this and not just attorney fees. I think this is vital in our crazy, litigious culture. This cost alone could put you in the poor house.

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While I certainly appreciate the Christ-centered focus of Right to Bear . . . from what I can tell, they are missing one critically important piece of coverage: civil liability coverage. Yes, they offer legal defense coverage for civil cases . . . but their website clearly states: "We are not insurance therefore, we do not offer coverage for civil liability." (https://protectwithbear.com/pages/ccw-insurance) So the best concealed carry insurance for church security . . . is not insurance? Without civil liability coverage, if you're found guilty in a civil case, you might have avoided the legal fees, but you'll still be paying the judgement out of pocket. If I am wrong about this, I'd be glad to humbly accept the correction. But as far as I can tell, CCW Safe is the best choice, in part because of their inclusion of this coverage.

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I’m not sure where you’re seeing that. It clearly states on their page that they cover civil liability.

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I directly asked the online RTB rep about Civil Liability coverage. This is their response:

"While we provide unlimited coverage for legal fees associated with both civil and criminal suits, it's important to note that our service does not cover civil damages. This means that if you lose a civil trial, all your legal and court fees will be paid upfront, but any amount awarded to the opposing party that you need to pay would not be covered by us."

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That's right. Y'all act like the criminal justice system will treat you fairly and your only concern is civil damages. How is that criminal representation serving you from those civil payment "Insurance" companies?

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From the RTB website - chat questions: While our service does provide unlimited coverage for all legal fees for criminal and civil suits, it does not cover civil damages. So, if you were to lose your civil trial, all of your legal and court fees would still be paid upfront. However, any amount awarded to an opposing party that is to be paid by you would not be covered by Right to Bear. We hope this helps!

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Thank you Keith. If that is the case, can you please provide the link, and mention how much civil liability coverage they provide? From what I can tell, they only provide civil defense costs, not liability coverage . . . which are two different things. Their website clearly states: "We are not insurance therefore, we do not offer coverage for civil liability." (https://protectwithbear.com/pages/ccw-insurance).

CCW Safe provides up to $1.5M Civil Liability Coverage, depending on the plan (https://ccwsafe.com/plans/).

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See my posts above. Don't get hung up on civil. Your more important concern is criminal defense. A couple of organizations offer civil damage coverage at great expense. There is a reason they offer it. It's a safe bet. All of these companies being discussed are all FOR PROFIT, and the civil award aspect is a safe bet for them, and they know that. I know this: RTB is the only God centered company.

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OJ was famously convicted in a civil case, but not a criminal case. I agree that if someone has a criminal conviction, the civil judgement might a secondary concern for some . . . but for those with spouses and children, a civil judgement is a major concern, and having coverage for that event is very important to those people. I've mentioned several times now that RtB's website clearly states: "We are not insurance therefore, we do not offer coverage for civil liability." (https://protectwithbear.com/pages/ccw-insurance).

If they do, in fact, provide civil liability coverage, it should be easy for you or Keith to provide a link to that information, and a statement of how much coverage they provide. But it seems like all of the responses so far have either been "it's OK to disagree" or "they provide civil defense coverage" . . . neither of which addresses the issue. If you are now admitting that they don't provide civil liability coverage, then that is a very important piece of information that people should have when making an informed decision. If someone decides that they don't care about that coverage, then fine. But I don't think it's responsible to act like it's so unimportant that it's not work mentioning or considering. To myself, and many others, that coverage is an extremely important thing to consider. I pray that you and Keith will consider making this clear to readers / followers. Thank you.

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Aug 14
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I can answer for him. Pays for civil representation. That's it. No civil damages are paid. No one ever implied that until someone convoluted the discussion.

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How is the ‘cover civil liability’ same as ‘pays for civil representation’?

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Well since it doesn't define limits in dollars of civil liability, you can take that as civil representation.

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Aug 17
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I am not shielding Keith. These are not my opinions. I have a lot of knowledge in this arena and was attempting to clarify your concerns, which it appears, is not your intention.

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If you have a judgement against you in a self defense incident, your bigger worry is that you likely have been convicted of improper action in self defense. And if you don't have IMMEDIATE, PROACTIVE, EXPERIENCED, and WELL PAID CRIMINAL DEFENSE, all the civil liability pay out is worth nothing. As I noted before, to this point in time, I cannot find a case law where civil damages were awarded when the DEFENDER acted appropriately under the CRIMINAL rules and laws of self defense engagement.

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They do have civil liability. It's an add on.

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Can you please provide the link and quote from their website. I do not see anything offering it as an add-on. All I see is the quote and link that I provided: "We are not insurance therefore, we do not offer coverage for civil liability." (https://protectwithbear.com/pages/ccw-insurance)

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Please see my earlier posts. I think it will answer your question. I am former LEO and have been around this business many years. Too many folks get caught up in the civil award part of it which to my knowledge never happens if your "criminal statute" actions were proper. I would check with my insurance agent to see if there is an exclusion to paying civil damages for such an incident. You might be surprised,

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Just to be clear, it seems like the responses to my objection started off as "yes, RtB does cover civil liability", then shifted to "it's OK to disagree, and just be glad that RtB is Christ-focused," . . . and now have changed to admitting that that they don't provide civil liability coverage, but saying to just not worry about civil damages. I agree that if someone has a criminal conviction, the civil judgement might a secondary concern for some . . . but for those with spouses and children, a civil judgement is a major concern, and having coverage for that event is very important to those people. I've mentioned several times now that RtB's website clearly states: "We are not insurance therefore, we do not offer coverage for civil liability." (https://protectwithbear.com/pages/ccw-insurance).

If you are now admitting that they don't provide civil liability coverage, then that is a very important piece of information that people should have when making an informed decision. If someone decides that they don't care about that coverage, then fine. But I don't think it's responsible to act like it's so unimportant that it's not work mentioning or considering. To myself, and many others, that coverage is an extremely important thing to consider. I pray that you and Keith will consider making this clear to readers / followers. Thank you.

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CIVIL LIABILITY REPRESENTATION! How much clearer does it have to be stated? That is what RTB provides. RTB is NOT an insurance company, which is a GOOD THING. It is amazing to me that not only on this forum, but elsewhere, armed citizens pass right over the CRIMINAL component of a self defense incident, and focus on losing their assets. If you lose your LIBERTY, that seems like a big loss to me.

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I don't think anyone in these comments is underestimating the need for criminal defense coverage. We would rightly reject any plans that didn't include that. But we also see the very important need for civil liability coverage, and are thankful that full-service solutions like CCW Safe exist, which include that as well. The issue isn't with you or RTB stating that they provide civil liability representation . . . but the concern is that the difference between civil defense expense coverage and civil liability judgement coverage was not explained in the article, and the potential importance of civil liability judgement coverage was not presented . . . which could lead many readers / followers who trust you and Keith to take your recommendation without making a properly informed decision that includes valuable information. Even including a note somewhere in the article to the effect of, "While RTB is our recommendation, it is worth noting that their plans do not include coverage for civil liability judgements. If you are interested in that coverage, you might consider the Ultimate Plan from CCW Safe." . . . would be a responsible addition. My desire with these comments isn't to disparage you or your work on this project. My concern is for men and women that have families and that serve on church security teams, and could potentially find themselves in jail AND their families' bankrupt because thought they had the best church security insurance, and didn't realize that it doesn't cover them against civil liability judgements. Please pray about this and inform your readers / followers accordingly. Thank you brother.

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Aug 14
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Do you work for a legal defense company?

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Aug 14
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I will disregard your remarks about deceptive comments. RTB DOES NOT PAY damages for a civil judgement against a person who defended themself.

RTB will vigorously defend your case even to higher courts on appeal, if necessary. My point is, that your actions in the JUSTIFIED LEGAL DEFENSE of yourself most likely had some defects and YOUR action led to an award of damages. That said, it's likely that you have been convicted of your actions. I messaged you to call me about the RTB rep who gave you erroneous information. I am happy to set the record straight, but if you want to promote your chosen choice of legal defense, have at it.

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Their join page doesn’t work properly… is a loop to sign in as if you have an account!!!

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Clear your cache on your web browser and try again. It is working for me.

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Contacted them and joined… tks…. Sending information to several church safety teams!!

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Thanks for doing all the leg work on this. In the event of a shooting and you are charged, odds are good you will end up in Civil. Is there insurance out there to cover you for the amount of a judgment placed against you? I live in the state of Ohio.

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Just curious your thoughts.

Shouldn’t California be on that list with New York, New Jersey and Washington? I am currently with Attorneys on retainer. I switched from a Popular insurance company. I would like to know your thoughts on this.

Should I also carry insurance?

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All that I have read sounds very good and it was emphasized a lot dealing with incidents on church property. Yet my concern would be, would it also cover anyone servicing in this capacity in a church function off church property? Also, would it also protect me in my personal daily life as well? As well with no extra cost to me in any way?

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Great info!

I'm calling Right To Bear today!

Thanks for your dedication to supporting Christian Churchs!

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Great job researching thsi for all of us Keith - I did end up going with Right To Bear after all. Thank you!

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