Clearly I'm in the minority based on poll results, but...

There is so much prepping, 2A, etc. content available and so little quality content like yours that is focused on defending our faith. At our church we have lost a few families because they wanted our pastor to preach topically about politics, govt oppression, etc. Our church is a place of refuge from the world, a place to worship, study through expository preaching, spread His word through missions, serve our local community and fellowship with other believers. As a security director, I see value here because of your focus on the mission of church security and I can confidently share your material with my teammates. I hope your message doesn't get diluted by spreading the focus to other topics that are already covered elsewhere. Keith, I am grateful for your ministry and pray for your healing. Thanks for everything you do.

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Amen! Keep it simple and original, no need for other content that can be found elsewhere online.

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Well said sir.

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Remain true to form. Include here what directly relates to Christian Warrior Training, and do elsewhere what applies to other topics.

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Hello Keith, I think the 2A is part of our legal right as citizens of this country to defend ourselves and our communities from a tyrannical government, and/or a gov that is turning a blind eye to its people and the problems of our country. Please pray about what to share and then send it out. I think your perspective as a police officer combined with your faith makes you a watchman over Gods people and you are on the wall sounding the alarm! Thank you for your time and what you do. We need to be prepared for civil unrest, WW3, and trials and tribulations that the Holy Bible tells us will occur. Joseph interpreted Pharaohs dream and it was about being prepared for hard times during the good times. Share the information you feel God wants you to share so we can use it to prepare now during the good times for possible hard times in the future.

God bless and thank you!

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There are thousands of websites dealing with those other topics, but your the only one specific to church security that I'm aware of. Besides with your health issues, keep it simple brother.

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I think you can still stay true to your original focus on God, family, and church security, but still not be afraid to mention the other topics like 2A rights, fitness, communications, training, and weapons maintenance, and defensive equipment like body armor, etc..

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Stay true to your church security focus. That's what brought us to you. As has been said, there are plenty of 2A and prep channels already out there. We use your content to keep our church security team informed on what's going on and on what we need to train on. Thank you for what you do.

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Yes, but as I know, you are sick, just don't stress yourself too much. God bless you.

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Please keep the existing format. I'd love to see links to additional content and "related" topics, but not additional topics included in this page.

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There are enough channels talking about the other things. I like what you are doing, keep it up. Great content that we can apply in our training sessions at our church. Thank you

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There are other channels for this type information. Please keep this channel for church security issues. There are those that are concerned about church security that do not want to get into the politics around 2A issues. Reference other channel with this I formation but don’t combine.

What you are seeing is a level of trust in you, your training and views. Which is good and needed. Have a channel for 2A and gun training separate from church specific channel please. I will view both channels, so of my team members will not.

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Building up the body of Christ so that the members may impact the world we live in is key to all Bible believing churches. Being aware of the environment and laws of the land in which we live is critical to the impact we have in the communities we live. Your information provides the security teams a best practice standard, vigilance in our prep, and a legal knowledge base. All this to a group of Christian volunteers intent on creating the safest place we can to worship. As Christians, we are law abiding citizens to laws that are not against Christ teachings. (Although a day may come in our country when being a believer is illegal, we are not there yet.)

So with that said, it is always good to have the latest information 2A or anything else relevant to our roll in the church and the world we live.

Keep up the good work!

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But we prayed to our God and posted a guard day and night to meet this threat.

Nehemiah 4:9

Seems that self defense (ie, security) is biblical. Certainly God’s house and His people are deserving of protection. Here in the USA the 2nd amendment is a right we have in order to legally protect ourselves and others. Remember, the bad guys ignore laws and have no problem victimizing anyone they please. It may be sad, but it’s no less true.

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Post your work on Rumble.

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I would prefer they be on separate channels. I have several left-leaning friends on our team that watch your stuff I recommend and they might perceive the other subjects as conservative or right-wing crazy paranoid stuff

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Maybe a video on “Basics of starting a church safety/security team”. We started about 8 Yrs ago with a simple procedure that has now been upgraded over 20 times. The introductory paragraph is our state law on self defense, verbatim.

Your procedure would be super valuable

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I personally like this platform focusing on church security, training, tips and tricks.

There numerous other places dedicated to the other topics. You offer a wealth knowledge, especially to fledgling new and small groups, trying to protect the flock. You are an excellent trainer and the I appreciate you and what you are doing. God bless.

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