Great list Keith...thank you for sharing!

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It would be helpful to suggest the most important or rank them according to reading order. Thanks.

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Keith, as a Christian, ex cop and all around smart fellow, you are beyond reproach.

However, I have a strong issue with the books you recommended here, particularly with their authors.

The ones that are ex military if not spec ops operators and not to forget swat who raid addresses in this country 80,000 times per year. But they are all liability free protected - even when they destroy property and people's lives that are not hard core criminals. Good Lord ?

Simple question: these super high intensity trained spec ops and swat, did all their time primarily with one purpose in mind : they are trained to KILL. And that includes innocent old men, women and children worldwide, kicking in doors and tossing in frag grenades - and most of all - toppling governments that don't agree with the official narrative here, whoever happened to occupy power at the time.

A very long list indeed back to the early 19th century of such debauchery and butchery brought to all of us by the U.S. gubmint. Not just foreigners.

We presently are an occupied country from the marxist regime in the District of Criminals to the 32+ MILLION that were welcomed in the southern non border on our dime (make that tens of billions of $) and mostly young military aged men if not criminals all on welfare dole. Make that occupying INVADERS.

Nice work for the 32 million who got this welfare gig.


Oh that's right: the crayon eaters are deaf, dumb and blind to what's really taking place - and won't move an inch without their official ORDERS from on high.

Plus now they write 'how to operate safely as a civi' books, while the Trojan horse enemy is already firmly settled on our front & rear doorsteps. Including around our churches.

Are we gone as a free nation? Yes we are. Don't be fooled for a second.

Someone had to state the obvious.

Thank you for all that you do Keith.

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The 1st book is a must read which I’m still trying to learn and grow from it! I’m new to the church security, but have been in leadership roles though out my life so a little help on a first book (other than 1)

Thanks Keith for all you do! God Bless🙏🏻😇

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The first choice sets the foundation on our daily life and how we can react.

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I bought the “Left of Bang” few years ago and it is a great book.

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Very good list. Your first choice is mine too.

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Great list, Keith. The first 5 are must-reads. Those will keep you busy awhile if you really read and study them. Some are classics, like “Left of Bang,” and it’s my mantra; I have often reviewed and referred to its concepts from time to time.

Also, highly recommend:

“Just 2 Seconds” by Gavin de Becker (my favorite when paired with Left of Bang)

In addition to the “The Gift of Fear” by Gavin de Becker, which you recommended, checkout

“Dangerous Instinct “ by Mary Ellen O’Toole, Ph.D.

The interesting concept behind the those two books is that they cover the same topic by two experts, and they have somewhat differing opinions. I lean one way; You pick for yourself.

I’m currently reading “Building Shooters: Applying Neuroscience Research to Tactical Training System Design and Training Delivery” (2016) Dustin P. Salomon

It’s a heavy read but anyone who teaches would benefit from it.

I’m a huge believer in reading books like Keith has listed. Learn to glean what applies to your specific job and skills. I come away with a lot from some books, but at least something from all of them.

Happy Reading

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