Geesh. Satan has been very busy as of late. The church is under attack and we need to train, trai, tain and ABC. Hope you are feeling better Keith.

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I struggle with this. I neither agree nor disagree with what you’re doing regarding “security”. As a 6+ year retired LEO with a CPL, I’ve yet to carry a weapon. The steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord Psalm 37:23-24. No amount of training or body armor will save you when that time comes. Do we really trust God? Check out “The Martyrs Mirror”. The early church willingly gave up their lives suffering horrible death for the cause of Christ! Yet here we are trying to save our lives when we’re supposed to loose it for his sake….. security from going to heaven?

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When you were a police officer, you carried a firearm and it sounds like you still carry a firearm now. Why? I’m sure you still trusted God while you were a police officer. I know I did and I know I still do. I do believe that God gave me skills and gave me the firearm. I have to protect myself. Just like you seen in Luke 22:36 where Jesus said to sell your cloak and buy a sword.

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I did carry while I worked. Reread my statement, I haven’t carried for over 6 years. You don’t need to justify carrying, 2nd amendment!

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