Great job on your commitment to keeping the body informed. This week, from the MSM we heard about a confessed killer's execution being a lynching, Harris, Trump, the UN (though very little about the 'pact for the future UN 2.0'), Ukraine in Pennsylvania - but nothing about our Christian sisters and brothers being kidnapped and slaughtered in Nigeria and Burkina Faso. Thank God for honest reporting!

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So informative. Thank you. Will pray for all victims and the protection of all who defend them!

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This compilation vividly demonstrates that we (the Church) are in the latter days, just as Christ warned His apostles. We are participants in a spiritual war, Satan knows his time is short and his demons are becoming more agressive and blatant. For the demons in church employ, wow, I would not want to be in those shoes when coming face to face with God. If your instinct is telling you 'something a'int right 'with an employee or minister, pray, seek council of a brother or two, and go up the chain with your findings. Protection of the children and weak is paramount.

Praying for all Y'all.

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What is now attacked as Christian Nationalism was already being attacked in my liberal seminary fifty years ago, as American Civil Religion. Back then, it was common for even mainline Protestant churches to have both an American and a Christian flag visible in the front of the sanctuary. Typically, the American flag was also escorted in annually on Boy Scout Sunday. All of this was fiercely opposed by my seminary profs, but never bothered me, then or now. I've read two books by proponents of Christian Nationalism, and considered the one by Andrew Torba and Andrew Isker very good.

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Constantly chipping away at the principles of our Judeo-Christion founding, erosion over time will alter a landscape. Weak pastors are of little help. Thanks for the reminder Jim.

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I love what you are doing we will definitely be praying for your families safety and for everyone else safety thank you for these videos.

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Labeling people is the new game in town. If you are a Christian, you are a Christian Nationalist. If you are a white male, you are a white oppressor. This is tribalism. The uneducated idiots who play this game have a mindset: "You are either part of our tribe, or you are the enemy." Tribes have always been at war with one another. Those who think labeling other folks is appropriate are ignorant of the fact that throughout the history of the world, wherever Christians dominated, communities, families, and morality have flourished. No other religion or cult can claim this. Christians continue to be persecuted around the world more than any other religion. Raymond Ibrahim (author of 'Sword and Scimitar' and 'Defenders of the West') tracks this on his site. He is the ONLY Middle-Eastern expert and scholar doing this. The media (both sides) will not touch it with a ten-foot pole. They have sold their souls for ratings and to keep their subscribers happy.

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