Keith - to quote Tom Sowell, “When you want to help people, you tell them the truth. When you want to help yourself, you tell them what they want to hear.” If you restrict your content (either your viewpoint or the subject matter) to what people want to hear, your podcast/substack will become an echo chamber instead of a clarion call. Post what YOU think is important (even if I don’t agree with it - as you know, I’ll let you know)

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I am the security team leader at a church in Palm Beach County. Over the last seven years we've implemented a number of security measures and protocols similar to what you publish. I find your website and training invaluable. I share your love for the Lord and protecting our brothers, sisters and children. I also feel fellowship with your ministry and appreciate your efforts to educate churches. Thank you for what you are doing and keep on doing it. May the Lord strengthen and empower you.

Sal Castiglia, Boynton Beach Community Church

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Keith, your content is spot on. I love to see the constant encouragement to organize , train and learn! The days are long gone when we can rely on unarmed untrained folks to watch over the flock.

Keep up the great work! There is no longer an “if” only a when.

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Keith, thank you for doing all of the leg work and putting together all of this information for churches. I don’t believe there is any such thing as to much information, the more we know the more prepared we can be. Our church has had a security team for about 8 years now and I have had a constant burden about finding security team training that specifically focuses on churches. You have been an enormous answer to prayer!!! I personally feel everything you have provided has been spot on and helped us better our church security practices! Send out anything you get, PLEASE!

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Keith you do an amazing job keeping us informed. Knowledge is power. Bless you for your work. I continue to push my Rabbi at a Messianic Synagogue in the Atlanta area to enact many of your recommendations. We aren't there yet, and we have a very busy upcoming October with High Holy days and the celebration of Sukkot coming up. The information you provide is priceless. May HaShem (ie God, literally "The Name" in Hebrew) bless you and keep you, may He lift His countenance upon you and be gracious to you (and your family). May His face shine upon you and give you Shalom (perfect peace) Amen. Be well my brother.

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Keith - Thank you for the information and everything your ministry does.

In my area my concerns are not necessarily middle eastern ISIS members or members of other middle eastern Islamic terror organization, but rather Chechens and others from the Caucuses of the former Soviet Union that may be sympathizers or members of these terrorist organizations. Along those same lines as the tensions between Russia and the west escalates some Chechens are also aligned with Moscow becoming another threat vector not necessarily OSIS aligned but Russian aligned. We have a large Russian and Ukrainian population and they meld right in.

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I trust your opinion on what to send out. I follow a number of intelligence sources, your reports are one more source I can bounce off the other information I receive. Never too much intel in my opinion.

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Your emails keep me on my toes! As I go about my week, you forget that a surprise attack on a Sunday is only a trigger pull away. Thanks.

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Great information. Keep up the good work. You are being prayed for. Be blessed.

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1.5 million Iraqis just in Southern Cal.. Hmm.

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Keepem commin please sir. The more the better.

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Just attended a little church at Deer Park, Washington--a little farming town on the outskirts of Spokane. They are small--about 20-30 members, and have been quite outspoken. Over the past few years, the homes of the pastor and 3 other leaders have been burned down. In at least one case, responding firefighters were diverted and stood down.

This weekend, they had a paper on the table explaining the latest sabotage incident: Their cameras recorded someone in a red pickup truck who came in and opened the frost-free hydrants that are used for watering the law, wide open. They use a well as their water source, and if the security system had not alerted them to the incident, their is a probability that the well would have run dry and burned up the pump, causing a much more expensive and crippling damage that would have impeded the church functions directly.

They are requesting contributions of about $1300 to install security gates, which I trust will soon be received. However, considering the political environment and the seeming complicity between the aggressors and law enforcement, we can only hope in Divine aid to enable this little group to continue.

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Kieth, you are on point. I strongly agree with your professional advice. I was sh my ministry would take your advice. I approached security at my church and he told me

Your job is to stay safe and let me do the rest. We have plenty of cameras. I replied by pointing out that there is no security at all doors. Lord help us to stay humble with the holy spirit's resentment and keep us safe. In Jesus name, Amen.

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Again and Again Keith, if you weren't giving us this information where would we get it!

You are truly doing the Lords work.

Thank you 😊 🙏

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Thank you Keith for keeping us informed. We don’t need to get complacent.

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Kieth, I think that you need to share all of the information as it is filtering in. Intelligence does not format itself into nice neat piles for a once a day dump, but rather is constantly evolving and exposing itself. That is just the nature of the beast. And you don’t want to try and filter this too much since it is too difficult to try and outguess what/which any terrorist decides to focus on.

I would like to see a slight focus on protecting 2 things a little more than the whole church as a package. I believe that there needs to be a focus on protecting the pastor who is the figurehead of each church. They say that you can do the most damage by attacking the head of any organization or group. Take out the pastor, and the church will flounder and flail as it dies a slow death.

I also think that the kids need a little more focus. Kid’s Ministry’s represent a soft target that can do an awful lot of emotional damage to any church very easily. The people who work with the kids must be thoroughly vetted to weed out any potential for bad actor. Besides everything else, there is always the issue of child custody disputes, child trafficking potential, etc. Kids just represent a potential for a very high emotional and spiritual impact if anything where to happen in that part of the church.

This is my 2 cents that is weighing on my heart to share. It comes from having been on our church security team and our team leader was one hell of a trainer and a SWAT guy himself, and he had a special heart for protecting the kids.

I appreciate all that you are doing Kieth, and I am going to take this opportunity to say thank you for doing you.

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