To compare Jesus sparing a woman who committed adultery to sparing a bloodthirsty killer of the innocent, is not a true comparison in any shape or form. This pastor pushing his anti-biblical, starkly leftist, political position asked if Jesus would kill a sinner? I guess he hasn’t read Revelation. God is often merciful, but there’s no doubt that capital punishment was endorsed by God.

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Correct. The woman who committed adultery wasn't submitted to a trial by the governing authorities, which has the God-given authority to wield the sword against evil doers. She was being attacked by a mob of accusers. Jesus also instructed her to "go and sin no more." This man murdered another man in prison while he was awaiting trial, which was taken into account during the punishment phase of the trial. I have no doubt that this was a contributing factor in the decision by the jury to choose the death penalty over life without parole.

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God doesn’t take away consequences for our poor choices. If fact He advises us in His word the wages of sin is death. Romans 6:23. I think the responsibility of the Church is to take the gospel to this man and to forgive him for the sins against their congregation. Hopefully he gets saved and forgiven. That is God’s desire for him. But God won’t force anyone to repent- change of mind ! Turn to Christ for healing in his life. Praying this man repents!!

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Ecclesiastes 8:11 When the sentence for a crime is not quickly carried out, people’s hearts are filled with schemes to do wrong.

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I love this verse!

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The details of the murder were horrific. They severely beat the pastor and a church secretary, who they left for dead but she survived. They then put a plastic bag over the pastor’s head & he suffocated to death.

One accomplice, Anthony Gregory Springs, was released, apparently he claimed to be a lookout & didn’t participate in the violence. I can’t find any information on the other accomplice, Clifford Jefferson. The secretary testified that she was assaulted by two men. It sounds like another accomplice should have been on death row.

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It was written by the famous author (Louis L’amour), “horse thieves were not hung for stealing horses, but so that horses would not be stolen.” Now that does not compare to the Bible, nor am I trying to do so. But when kids die at the hands of kids, for the color of their shirts or the size of their phones, or are raped and killed because there’s no fear of judge or jury. As a nation of laws, when we stop protecting the innocent, we become no better than the criminals, who carry out and promote the chaos of death across our land. And in closing, please remember this “ evil flourish, when good men stand by and do nothing.” And the last I checked, we are in a battle of Good vs. evil……..

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Yes, capitol punishment is biblical. God demands that whosoever sheds man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed. God has ordained that it be so. Moreover, if the wicked live, socieity dies. If the wicked die, society lives. There are consequences to sin and rebellion.

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As Jesus stated that 'he who lives by the sword shall die by the sword'. Matthew 26: 52

Thereafter, within 24 hours, Jesus was beaten, scourged, and hung on a cross until He died.

Jesus had the opportunity to decry the death penalty during His entire life, up until the moment of His death, and after His resurrection and not once did He make an anti-death by execution statement.

Jesus even made reference to the death of his disciples, but He never said a word about the unfairness of their upcoming deaths.

To make anti-death penalty statements by claiming that Jesus was against the death penalty by any means that isn't recorded in The Holy Bible is to go against His statement that my reply first mentioned about men (and women) that murdered being executed.

Anybody that wants to say the He actually meant something else is adding their own bit of hogwash to The Holy Bible.

I pray that those who do this finally see the wrongness of their thinking.

What is Christian Warrior philosophy about protecting congregants from death or wounding by any sort of an aggressor/aggressors?

Sure, it would be nice to talk someone down from attacking a church, right?

That would be the best way to settle someone down, to talk them into seeing the light.

However, this is not always possible, so that church security must, in some cases have to deliver the kill shot.

I was first approached to set up my church for the maximum amount of security to prevent such things.

I purchased many cameras, got internet set up, hooked up different members of the church's cellphones to access the cameras whenever the cameras recorded anything.

There are several congregants that also attend all church functions that are carrying concealed, including the pastor of our church.

Everyone that carries concealed knows that there is a bit of Hollywood in being able to shoot the firearm out of the hands of the aggressors, so they are trained to actually take the attacker down, permanently.

I was with the Marines until I retired, so that I know what looking death in the face feels like.

I hope and I pray that there will never be the point where my church is attacked.

In the past 10 years, my small town's churches have been vandalized 6 times, but my church has so far escaped such like a thing happening to it.

Hopefully, on account of God's blessing and the visible security cameras, not to mention the appearance of a Christian Warrior patrolling the parking lot during services, that my church has thus far escaped any sort of aggression.

As was stated also by Jesus, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” John 15: 13

This, above anything else stated, is one of the cores upon which Christian Warriors is based, from my point of view, for if gunfire is exchanged, if a member the Christian Warriors is killed in the line of duty.

It takes special people that are willing to go into harm's way to protect others.

May God bless all that are willing to take on such a task!

May I get an amen to this?


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Amen…. With that said, in the world of the modern day church in the United States. I’ve found a disconnect in the belief of anything tactical happening to the congregations. As an ex-safety/security team leader in a Baptist Church in Central Arkansas, I’ve talked with several other churches of about the same size( 2100 members), and a long with my church, they show some ideology of it’s always going to happen to the church down the road. My church for example has about 2100 on roll, but so far can only see less than 2% enrolled in their safety team. Majority of members are ages 60- 75. Not that I against old folks ( I’m 63). But all churches in our nation need to recheck the reality of the real world. Yes, you are more likely to pullout a band-aid, than a Glock to protect. But the odds are not “0”, and each person should act or react accordingly, while keeping our Lord at the front of his or her ministry. For a ministry is exactly what the mission is. As I said “ Ex” team leader, for a difference in definition of safety/security and the presence of retired law enforcement officers (10 years retired), who wanted to be “boss”, I decided my ministry would be better served in other areas. My family has a security plan in place, they will be protected. Easier than fighting old fashioned church politics, and retired officers. God Bless, all would lead from the front.

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Since I was tasked with forming up my church's security, and since I am the security member that is the one that guards from the starting point for any sort of aggression, i.e., the parking lot, by appointment, I am the leader for my church's security, so I thank you for your blessings, Keith.

As a sort of humorous story as to my experience after having retired from the service, being security for some poor, helpless beings ...

After finding out about a nearby ranch being rustled a couple of times, I became security for that ranch.

The ramrod on the ranch was a Mexican, and he wasted no time in spreading the word around the Mexican community that the ranch manager had hired a crazy Marine to be 'the regulator' for that ranch, and that I would have no problem at all, killing the rustlers, burying the bodies in part of the pasture, then taking the pickup trucks and the trailers down to Mexico for sale, then returning within the same day.

This was all fabrication, of course.

I remonstrated with the honcho about the lies that were told, but he said for me to wait and see how it all worked out.

It worked out just fine.

0 amount of Missing while Mooing during my employment on that ranch!

I suppose that there is a place for propaganda, after all!

Anyway, my church is an independent Baptist church, and the pastor is 73 years old. With him being retired from the Army, and with him being the man that asked me to form up security for his church, and also making sure that he gets time on the shooting range quite often, I do feel a bit safer with him onboard.

Located in a small town, 2100 citizens, total, the church itself is small, also, but it has grown 3-fold in the past two years.

I am looking forward to gaining a few younger men for the security team within the next year and appointing someone else to lead it, but there is that certain level of maturity which I am hoping to find.

Both for the security force, and to lead it.

There are a few extra people that conceal and carry that are spread about the other congregants that are a part of the team, also.

However, for one reason or another, while being part of the team, none of them want to lead it.

I wouldn't completely withdraw myself, as I will remain as part of that team, to provide insight to the new leader and to the other members of the team, as needed.

Having faced death too many times to want to recall, there is a place for 'knowledge' and restraint that would be difficult to find elsewhere.

It's not all bang, bang, shoot 'em up, as I am sure that you know from your previous experience.

God bless you and yours, Keith!

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Where are the other two complisit? Did he not tell the police whom was with him? We have a whole oligarchy of Unelected installed democrat anti-American mass murdering scum. Until they are all arrested an hung for treason we have no justice. President Trump an his team have made an amazing start. Let's see some arrests!

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During the sentencing hearing, prosecutors also called a Tarrant County jail inmate to testify that Nelson had killed a cellmate during his incarceration leading up to the trial, but no charges were brought against Nelson in the inmate’s death.

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Judeo-Christian teaching tells us that capital punishment was instituted by God, demanding a life for a life. To believe otherwise is denying what the Bible commands. Yes, Christians are to forgive as God forgives us but this does not negate earthly punishment as outlined by God.

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Deuteronomy 19:13 Your eye shall not pity him, but you shall put away the guilt of innocent blood from Israel, that it may go well with you.

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Jeff Hood and others like him. Forgiveness can be obtained but consequences still remain. God is the one who appoints our leaders and I’m sure since the very beginning they took Gods commandments literally and Gods demand for taking one’s life and paying with your own. Just, for example, look what has happened in US states where young men and women walk into stores and walk out with arms full of goods. In those states consequences were lifted and the evil side of human nature comes out. If Capital punishment can persuade even one person to say “hey I better not or I will be executed” then by all means let the punishment stand.

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God IS merciful BUT He doesn't excuse sin in any way, shape or form. From the beginning of time, even Lucifer, now Satan, was condemned to death. Cain was condemned and cursed. His whole, corrupt, sinful lineage was destroyed in the flood. The 10 Commandment law of God condemns murder. Yes, we are to forgive but that doesn't mean the crime is excused. The consequences of sin remain; i.e., death. If sin were excused, then Jesus died for nothing. It's sad that this man chose his legacy by that which he committed. Hopefully, he repents and asks for forgiveness so that he can die with the assurance of the resurrection of the saints.

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What a narrow view of Christ's word. If we show what Christ actually taught, will this fellow tell us that some things that Christ said "just aren't Christian?"

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The old testament is filled with God's laws concerning when a person put to death for violating eating of unclean food, carrying wood on the Sabbath, killing someone by accident. No murder involved, just breaking God's aw, let alone man's law. Let's the founding fathers their due with the law in America. Should President Biden be tried for murder for letting murderers into our country?

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No Biden should be charged for Treason

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