Our Sanctuary team used to carry concealed. Now all have a uniform and most of them are open carrying. We've also doubled how many are on duty in the sanctuary.

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Of course the FBI “warns”. The FBI long ago quit investigating crime. Today they manage it. Along with Clowns In Action. Wray is a duplicitous unaccountable globalist hire. The AG, the DOJ are a criminal enterprise. Do they tell the “truth”in any dimension? Only when it benefits them. The worlds migrants flood our borderless nation. An army of really bad actors are in the mix of unvetted humanity coming to your neighborhood. Arm up. Armed citizenry outnumber all potential Jihadis. But they command the element of surprise. They decide the When, Where and How. The terrains is more familiar to us. So this should be interesting. Bloody. Messy but very interesting. Hopefully you will be left standing when the smoke clears

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