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Thank you for reporting this story as inconceivable as it is. I began to read or see videos huge increase # of victims & survivors sharing their testimony. Seems like a huge gap between first known incidents to victims who went ignored and unheard to finally losing fear of retaliation to speak the truth. This strong lady has such a perfect story how God kept her alive as she walked thru the Valley of the Shadow of Death from age 12 to 17 to cv Confessionals during lockdowns. The man who abused her was so incredibly devious he chummed & groomed her & entire family. In 1982. I’m stunned every time I read one of these stories and still people are reluctant to report. Thank you Keith for what you do. I shared your channel + links with people in Ohio & Canada trying to report to appropriate authorities. Slow going. But the lady from OK whose original lawyer became the OK AG? That’s so far beyond ‘karma’ it’s not funny. GBY

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