We all know that all is not well with the world we live in. Thanks for pointing out just how not well and how we can stay safer by vigilance and remembering the ABC's of preparedness.

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Thank you Keith. I saw Sarah on the Sean Ryan Show as well and I'm glad you brought this to our attention. With the open borders and massive unvetted entry in to the US over the past 4 years, we need to stay prayed up and trained up in 2025. Thanks and God bless you!

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Our churches are in need of persons with a passion for protecting the church. Im blessed to have a good team but struggle to train them. Church leadership does not see the importance of training.

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Jan 8Edited

Suggestion: show them the video clip of the terrorist training camp, starting at 7:40. It sounds like they need a wake-up call to action. Better still, invite them to attend a showing of the entire video. Share a copy with them. Send it to each of their inboxes. If they still do nothing, at least you have taken action on your part. Make sure your security team also receives a copy of the interview.

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Elephant in the room. Take a look at the Czech Republic. Look everywhere on the streets. You will find an abundance of well trained police standing everywhere with a complete show of force. If we don't embrace this show of force in our churches (yesterday) then we are doomed to how many shootings before we realize that we should have done something about this sooner rather than later? Attacks are here right now. What does America do? Twiddle there thumbs and type on keyboards to thwart attacks? If we could have body guards with machine guns protecting preachers at churches in the late 1970s then why cant we do it now...? A Pro-active show of deadly force is the only thing these people understand other than pain. Heck they are laughing at the so called posture that the US has right now. There is a real push not to have a show of force at churches and I think its idiotic. We spend more time addressing what things may look like or how people might feel instead of addressing the threat with a vengeance.

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Sarah Adams has been able to keep her sources in Afghanistan which, fortunately for us, has given us a real look into the terrorist groups and their plans

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Every faith community should take heed. The idea that you will 'rise to the occasion' is the opposite of training and a strategy.

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The video clip (starting about minute 7:40) on Sarah Adams/Shawn Ryan's interview of the terrorist in training should be a wake-up call to every LE officer in the country. Lowered standards and woke LE departments concerned more about DEI are not what we need to fight at this level. These fighters are driven by an agenda and a full belief in what they are doing. Static range training is next to useless against this level of proficiency and accuracy. Plus, notice the fitness level, balance, and flexibility of the individual. All go into the mix of a lethal warrior.

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One concern I have is not to question the narrative for claims like "New Orleans ISIS-Inspired Attack." Could be, or could be deep state manipulations. The flag and especially the manifesto may mean he was ISIS tied/inspired or the deep state may have subverted the assailant into those beliefs for their ends and maybe the assailant wasn't the manifesto author. (???) Two incidents, two manifestos. Could be or there could be more to the story.

Remember, the globalists and their government lackeys are hot to expand the patriot act and nothing can help it happen more than "terrorist attacks" that the government has to protect us from.

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The NO attacker also placed IEDs and those were made with a material never before used in the US or Europe which is consistent with the invisible bomb Sarah Adams has been talking about.

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