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William, you have so many things confused! lf God/Jesus Christ can't keep my soul safe then we are fools

for believing the Bible and He is not God but a fake. Iknow better! Jesus Christ is my lord and savior and my soul is eternally safe with him! l'm sorry that you don't have that assurance but you can. My salvation is only through the shed blood of Jesus Christ only. On my

own I'd have no chance of salvation. I'm praying for you sir, praying that you'd see the amazing work Jesus Christ has done for us all if we'll only accept his gift

and repent.

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RF. You are preaching to the choir here. Just to be clear men are made in the image and in the likeness of God. Tripartite. Father. Son. Holy Spirit. Just so, we are spirit beings, possess a soul and live in a body. These three parts are saved individually and in sequence. The salvation you and I possess is spiritual. The common salvation. Unforefeitable, secure. It is based on a past completed work. Our souls are being saved and that requires a lifetime of work. That is the so great salvation of Hebrews. That is forefeitable. The body, containing the spirit and soul, is brought out of the grave at the resurrection to appear at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Some will stand some will fall. Those who fall, and by definition will have been overcome by their sins, will forfeit their souls and spend the Day of the Lord in outer darkness. (Outer darkness has nothing to do with saved/unsaved issues) Those who stand are by definition overcomers and they will ascend the Throne with Christ and rule and reign as the Bride and companion of Christ. Not complicated. Sad to say but most Christians today know nothing about even simple straightforward facts. Where is Jesus today? What is He doing? By whose authority is He acting? What is the outcome of His activity? Start there. All other issues flow from knowing the basic plan and purpose God has for both redeemed and unredeemed man.

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William, Ephesians 2:8-9

[8]For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

[9]Not of works, lest any man should boast.

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Robert. You still don't get it. Remove yourself from the mindless traditions of todays church. Eph 2:8-9 refer to the salvation of one's spirit. Works not allowed. It did however require a lot of work by another. Christ. The Salvation of one's soul, the So Great Salvation in Hebrews requires a lot of work. At the JSOC all redeemed men will be judged by their works. In fact ALL judgment here forward, for redeemed and unredeemed alike is based on works. James said I will show you my salvation BY my works. He's NOT talking about salvation by grace there. He's referring to the Gospel of the Glory, ie., Paul's Gospel. The church is STUCK on every place salvation is mentioned it automatically means saved by grace through faith . That salvation is eternal, "Ages of the Ages in duration. (there is no word in scripture for the English "eternal"). The salvation, called "so great salvation in Hebrews is "age-during" or 1,000 years duration. God is interested in seven days of mans history with the earth. 7,000 years alone. Time prior to the beginning is immaterial as is time beyond the Day of the Lord. That 7th day is yet ahead. We live at the end of the 6th day presently. Don't let any man steal your crown. Find out the purpose for your salvation. It involves the mark of the "prize" (salvation by grace through faith is free..) of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.....it's not the same.....it involves a race and not all win. It'll surprise you.

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William, yes we will be judged for our works but that has nothing to do with my salvation. Once saved always saved. The judgment for those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior will be for the gain or loss of rewards in heaven, of which all will be placed at the feet of our Savior. If I'm misunderstanding you I apologize but "my faith stands on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness." Have a great day sir.

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Robert. Are you a Baptist? Yes, once saved always saved. That salvation you presently possess is unforfeitable. The issue is the "rights of primogeniture", the right to rule and reign with Christ from His throne in that day, the 7th Day yet ahead. THAT right is forfeitable however. And when appearing at the Judgment Seat of Christ your works will be judged, your WORK required to obtain clean hands and a pure heart. All Christians are in a race.....that participation is not optional. In every race there are winners and losers. The "mark of the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus" is not free.....it is earned, as in any race. You are mired n the traditions of some church somewhere. You stand in your own way every day. Asking the right questions gets you correct answers. Break out of your religious straight jacket Robert. The life of your soul depends upon it. The life of your soul is at risk. THAT is "life for the age"........and "age-during life" has nothing to do with eternal life....which concerns the life of your spirit. Paul made these distinctions after learning about the Kingdom of the Heavens directly from having spent 3 years in the Arabian desert alone with Christ. Paul's Gospel, the Gospel of the Glory is very distinct from the Gospel of Grace. Learn it. It is not difficult.

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