OKie-Doky Ben Shapiro. Slow down voice audio during edit phase. Its not you. Remember some of us only managed a GED — LOL

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I wish I could join the live stream but I think you scheduled it at 1pm PT and I was still serving. Hope you would have some different schedule like 3pm PT on Sunday or Saturday afternoon?

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I do have to pick a better time. I've been choosing different times so I can balance getting information to you that is timely while not taking time away from family and church. I'll get a better day/time hammered down.

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As a still deeply wounded man at age 69. Those working privately as Guardians of Godly Institutions need to be made aware.

#1 People at the top may not totally support you. Especially if you happen to fall through the cracks of perceived right/wrong. Call it the moral dilemma. As the real world is full of gotcha scenarios that fall outside of your understanding even challenging your beliefs in our Holy Father. If it were me working as a security agent, I’d have on an Axio police body came running my entire on duty shift. Especially during interactions with management types. You can expect it. Choose your words before letting them spill out the pie hole.

#2 Citizen complaints. Expect them. Loony people just are… Just as I was at moments in my service (Done stupid). Years. Its impossible to run and operate 100% all the time without screwing up. Saying something out of line, as people are so stupid today. Fail to recognize your authority. Wish to push their authority right over yours. Make you feel less confident. Mind games. Believe me when I say I’ve been up against the best. And then, if and when it happens what’s your next move? Are you alone? How competent is your partner? Loon’s—whack jobs? Have extensive knowledge of police response including courtroom procedures. Free legal aid.

#3 Beware of scam artist. Street scammers whom make they’er living setting folks up for small claims court (lawsuits) Don’t fall for it. Hint. Be prepared to use the refusal to leave private property arrest procedure. Cite and release. You sign the ticket. IF you can manage to get police response. If again your alone, Announce your no longer speaking to them leave them, observe from a distance for other violations in the parking lots. Often they’ll just leave. Really bad persistent street urchin’s I would pull my electric shocker out thrust it about six inches from their ugly mugs speaking very close to my hero Clint Eastwood tell them if they do not LEAVE MY campus parking lot I will shock their ass right now and keep shocking them all the way out of the parking lot leaving them pissing on themselves in the city street. Urchins response went something like this (?) “You can’t do that!” “Yes! I can! You ready to feel the heat!”

I made the point. I ain’t no cop! You are violating my space! Get out! I don’t care! Fear is what gains compliance. Don’t allow your fear of the suspect ever to rollover your ability to act. Same goes for harassing church members and or students. If you do, then many others will violate the space you are hired to protect. Beggars. Desperate brain dead people just are. Get used to it. It will get worse people.

#4 No homeless trash allowed on sidewalks, back of brick walls give notice, repeat, harass them so much they leave. Again, word gets out to the others not to go squat in the vicinity. Again. Society will get worse before better comes (you fill in this part)

#5 For those who wish to be guardians of the church get yourselves knocked on your butts! Only at your local Judo club. Those who have never been hurt on your back, getting the snot knocked out of you are missing an important part of hand to hand including ground fighting skillsets. Worst I ever experienced was a 300lb goon grab me in a wrestling move atop a small yard sprinkler exactly in the center of my spine! The pain was excruciating! I honestly wanted to die! I begged the guy to just kill me! Thankfully he said he wouldn’t…

Being grabbed from behind. Violently. Horrific position to suddenly be taken. I have numerous experiences coming to my mind. Again. Judo studio. Fitness people. Be fit. Be fit enough to live another day. If you do get hurt, your body will heal much faster and not be prone to permanent disability.

#6 If your young, have ton’s to loose if you get messed up on duty or (OFF) what is the plan to cover your loss of wages/benefits? I carry a two million umbrella policy on my homeowners policy.

#7 My reason for posting this in your face post is the following.

I just watched The after action shooting committee of President Trump mainly focusing on Bongino’s professional knowledge of Secret Service Protection duties and functions, I became alarmed. America is over my people. The entire incident has been corrupted including very important facts details and evidence destroyed or erased. I have no illusions Novembers elections will be stolen.

America’s in real trouble people.

Sorry for the dark news. Especially the ending. Shall we pray for God’s intervention

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Copy last 10-7

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I am a relic of the very beginning of the Internet days, days when everything seem to be free. It was a wonderful outlet to freedom of expression way back when it first started. As I see it now Keith, everything is pay to play. Only my peace officer disability income has not kept up with today’s cost-of-living, including government inflation. everything on here that requires registration mandates our personal information, including phone number, which I refuse to give. this is also my first time using this particular platform. of course they want me to subscribe for a low monthly payment as well. Having no idea what my character count is in here. I’ll stop. End of communication stop

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The info I provide here is free brother. No worries.

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deletedAug 12
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This has become my full time job. It’s a good place to be in TBH. As for time, I’m still trying to figure that out.

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We have been harvested, cultivated threatened over and over again by the big powers of our chosen industrial complex. Fear. Fear is what I came to realize in the 1970’s reading a 500 word essay (Readers Digest). It was an intriguing small essay. The beginning of knowledge for me. FEAR of THE MAN (BIG BROTHER) culminated. America’s people and our country was in very real peril. tally confused my years of believing black and white skits of fierce determination during a time man versus man till the final ending scene. 1950’s through 1970’s CIA had a huge influence for the specific purpose to gain public acceptance to war preparations. The boob tube. Television. Closer examination has shown me this. The beginning of mass indoctrinations focused productions all of which came to an end in what I’d say 1964, history demonstrate to us. This time frame period was carefully moderated, controled, influenced by governmental propaganda to entice the people to be ready to fight communism at any cost.

The Industry of War.

Fear. Fear of.

How do we as common man and women cope with with this mass industry of public mind bending, mind altering prescriptions others place upon us? Mandates, must, you shall, No Trespassing, No Eating, yes people! I actually saw a live video of a man getting arrested for eating a hotdog! Where? Southern California. After many years of adventurous, heart pounding near death close calls, holding others in your arms watching life fade — the light goes dim, the breath seizes, life has departed this world.

Closing point.

On Volunteering over public peoples life, liberty and property. Both foreign and domestic.

Such chosen even in cases of government conscription (The Draft) or, Please Obie One Kenobi “you’er our Only Hope” for the rebellion

NEEDS you!

Need is a big word. You, the reader here seeking means to defend, God’s House of Worship. Is and very well can be a monumental weight blink of an eye scene you wish you were anywhere but here “OH Lord God moment”. Having no skin in this game anymore. No one is above the sod, sober, even confined in 24 hour care facility sees my meanderings on this forum. My final acting out days ended in 1998. Putting on the face of boldness to confront, putting on my public costume, donning the equipment of war, is. No longer the bases of not being able to tell the battle ground truths of institutional and YES Industrial means and strategies to profit from Public including international lawlessness.

I’m open to questions. Trolling or attacking I’ll fade into the sunset people.

Till it isn’t anymore.

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