Here is a link to 6 church burglaries in Pensacola, FL


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Hey Keith,

We use a system called SecurX (SecurX.co) to track all of the Incidents that occur at our church, from minor to major. Over the last couple of years we have had 48 of these incidents. This information has been extremely useful in briefing new greeters, deacons, elders, staff about the importance of having a volunteer Safety and Security Ministry.

Your site is the only one I have found that reports national and international security incidents. It has been a real eye-opener for me to see how many of these occur each week in your report.

I'd really like to suggest again that you keep and make available to your subscribers some sort of annual catagorized tally of incidents that those of us out here can use as additional justification to our church boards and pastoral staff for the expense of policy development, training, cameras, alarm systems, laminated glass, security teams, etc needed to detect and delay hostile incursions in our houses of worship. I think such a tally would be incredibly useful for all of us.

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Interested in speaking with your group about helping you develop a church sex offender policy, my email is charlesonley@yahoo.com

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