Regarding Lessons to be Learned from School Shootings:

1. In regard to doing a proactive threat assessment: How many of us have a church security team policy that was generated by some outside "expert" or local law enforcement agency who did an assessment and then provided a recommended policy manual that is really nothing more than a generic policy manual with our church's name slapped on it? Sorry, folks, but most of your policy manuals really are generic and not truly specific you YOUR church.

Why? Because many of us are either to frightened that we're too ignorant (this can be corrected) to get it right or we just don't want to be bothered with the effort involved. I have no objection to getting a consultant involved, but the heavy lifting should be done by the senior staff and the security team leads. Those with true skin in the game - those whose lives may be directly impacted by failures - should be making the final decisions and understand what the plan actually says and NOT just simply relying on an outside "expert" to get it right.

2. In regard to the importance AND NECESSITY of REGULAR SCENARIO-BASED training, Keith is spot on. Simply doing some traditional bullseye target practice on a square range doesn't cut it either for the practical safety of your church or the church's legal duty to train. The courts have been quite clear that going to the range to do target shooting a few times per year is inadequate and that training must be regular, reflect situations that the team might reasonably be expected to encounter, involve realistic scenario training, e.g. force on force, address areas likely to cause problems, and be documented. This is important not only for the church's legal protection, but also for the safety of the members of the church and the security team.

3. TRAIN....and them TRAIN some more. After being the victim of a violent attack, nobody ever said, "I guess we trained to much," but many people say, "I never thought it could happen here."

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If I were a parent today, my kid would not be going to any state-run institution. Knowing this stuff is going on, you are playing with your kid's life. No matter what the reputation of a state-run school. We can sit and critique this all day long, but schools are no longer education centers or centers of learning. Nor are they safe environments for kids. Why are parents turning a blind eye to this? I grew up in the 50s and 60s, and this was unheard of. Nothing will change until parents take a stand (all parents, not just the occasional parent voicing his or her opinion at a school board meeting).

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Great video. But I offer a perspective: while the FBI, etc, may not be on top of things, we have to keep in mind that just because someone is “on the radar” doesn’t mean they can just be arrested on the spot. You know better than anyone that there has to be probable cause to make an arrest. If there was indeed probable cause with this kid in 2023, then an arrest should have been made. If not, then by law he cannot be detained, however suspicious it seems. We have to adhere to our laws. We cannot arrest someone or confiscate property based on just a hunch. That would open a can of worms that we don’t want to open. That doesn’t mean we don’t monitor their activity more closely. I am part of an armed church security team, and I know all too well that those “on the fringe” are ones to worry about. We just have to be proactive and vigilant, and at the same time be careful to not overstep our bounds. It’s a tough job but no one said it would be easy. Keep up the good work Keith!!

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i am unsubscribing because you are a liar and have born false witness against VP Harris and slandered her for no other reason than to promote trump. You are a disgrace to the word Christian which you are not . Christians love the Truth and the Truth is found in them. You repeatedly say you are an expert in people who are high on drugs and/or alcohol. You wouldn't know an alcoholic if they smacked you in the face. I know a few and you can't tell at all. They stagger, they don't slur words none of what you accused VP Harris of. In your email to me you said you don't even like trump. That's another lie. You in your video said VP Harris is high. Blanket statement yet you offer no proof of such implications and that could apply to anyone who is sleep deprived and you say you are an expert. You are no more an expert than my computer mouse. You need to repent. And you owe your subscribers an apology for putting that false information out there. I trusted you and believed you until I saw that video. YOU NEED TO REPENT if you are truly a Christian.

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I don't have the qualifications that Keith has and yet it is pretty obvious the woman is high on something.

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The most crucial lesson is that church leadership needs to take the threat seriously.

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Yes. But I would suggest most would look at you like you had two heads if you approached pastors-church leaders with a succinct summary of the threat Christians and Jews face. Most will ignore, or scoff and remain ignorant. And they will die.

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