
I live here in Burnet and am the Safety (In Texas we are Safety Teams and not Security Teams, State Regulations) Director at another local Church. I was a member of this church for many years (and no we did not have a safety team when i attended) and know both Jacob and the Pastor Kyle. We were made aware of this almost immediately through our local church safety teams communications. we put our church in lock down until service was over. neither our Pastor or congregation knew of anything until after the service was over. My issues here is why you proceeded with pushing out unvetted information. The local community was suspicious of this as soon as it happened as the stories coming out did not add up. Once Sheriff Boyd (who by the way is one of the best in the business) finished his investigation and announced the out come of what a lot of folks in the community already knew.

You spent several paragraphs on vetting in your update but shouldn't you have vetted the story a little bit before pushing out an alert nationwide? I know as a content creator it is import to be the person "breaking the news". Helps with the "likes".

I believe you to be a great christian man and you do a great job of keeping us informed of what is going on nationally but in the future please pump the breaks a bit.

24 hours made a big difference on this one.

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I was literally quoting a statement from the Sheriff's Department.... Should I not trust them?

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Yes! You did what was good and right! Thank you very much for your service to us all!

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In fairness, based on the outflow of the information from the sheriff's media team, there is no way of foreseeing that the story would be corrected by arrest a day later.

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Oct 8·edited Oct 8Liked by Keith Graves

Even though this was apparently a false alarm sent out by the church or police there, we know the threat is real and danger level is high because of the thousands of terrorists in our country. Graves is doing the best that he can with the information that is given to him by trusted sources, and he is one of God’s heroes. I am very thankful for his ministry.

Let us all be at peace together:

“…the fruit of the spirit is love , patience, and kindness...”~ ICorinthians 13

“Do everything without arguing or complaining.”~NT

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Thank you!

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Cool your jets there, Turbo. Your statement on the matter reeks of small town mentality.

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Thank you, as 72 year old man, army vet, church security member who shares your podcast with our new younger security leader, currently an airline pilot. A welcoming yet vigilant, informed team is a must. I can’t run a jump anymore, but I can hurt them with my cane. A shout out to all the cane fighting trainers for seniors.

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Amen! Another 72 year old man. Zero military or LE, but experienced shooter here and born-again Christ follower. Maybe I need a tactical cane!

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From one broken down tore up used rough old fart to another. I HEAR yah! Being a realistic man that I am, I disqualify myself from the Guardians of the Universe state anymore. All I have now are memories regrets coupled with some good stuff. I just returned from a four state road trip. I experienced two potential security threats, one high, the other low. My summation of society today is don’t shoot the new-age protected species, leading potently to starting riots, including attracting powerful militant biased taxpayer funded social justice organizations right to one’s doorstep. California taught me such realities.

I call it keep your head on a 360 swivel. Believe me, its tiring especially when we get older. Just as important it may be too iffy too engage, theres plenty of other threats that’ll make you hesitate well before you place a hand on your tool belt. I like your Cain idea. I trained hard with straight hiking sticks. Issue I see with them is they lack weight. Think back to the historical nightstick with a lead core. The easily pocked black jack was the groove thing back in the day. (Lead filled) My advice would be seek out Cains designed specifically for combative use. Cold Steel has some great examples. Also, these weapons are great to beat-down pit-bulls chewing up Fee-fee in the RV park. Me? I’ll just shoot the damn dogs.

You want too, during the day, find a jitsu or judo joint and go in there and talk to the master Sensi and tell him what you have in mind with the cain, hire him as your antagonizer get some experience with it, he’ll show you moves that might very well save your bacon…

Lastly, I’m going to hire me a real self defense only Law Group

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I believe that this is going to set church security programs back. It's hard enough to get some Ministers to talk about security programs and with this kind of press is not going to help.

God Bless

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One previous preacher, who also hawked pre-trib hard, refused to let men organize because he said we'd wind up "out in the parking lot, backsliding." We left that church over that and their non-Biblical doctrine. They remain woefully unprepared for a church shooting.

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There are many comments about how this might turn church leaders away from church security teams. However, this incident, and others, remind us of the need for professionalism, training, proper selection, and spiritual maturity for those being considered for safety team membership.

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Just like the guys who start fires to watch the fire trucks show up.

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I don't understand how people can do this. I have been pushing for us to improve are security because we don't follow the basics. This Report is going to tank everything I have been pushing for.

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Keep pushing brother. Most of us know who the goobers are. “ All things work for the good “. My biggest concern is the guy who carries but rarely practices.

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Praying with you that your church will be wise. This verse comes to mind: “Be anxious for nothing, but pray…” I know God is in control, and He is watching over all and protecting. It helps me to know that the Bible says that nothing will happen to any person without His allowing it, and even then it will be for His higher purpose (that we may only understand some day when we get to Heaven.)


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This story sounded a bit fishy from the beginning. The statement from the church was very odd. So sad that this event will hamper safety in our churches that already are hesitant about security. Thank you Keith for staying on top of it.

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Yes very sad and safety teams back for the pastors who are not big on security but I remember in that same state of Texas a security team member and firearms instructor killed a suspect armed with a shotgun. I pray for all of Gods people that he keeps them safe but ready to defend themselves for the evil that is out there.

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As a current church school armed security team member, I am deeply disappointed. I hope they make an example of this guy and hopefully find the failure in their vetting processes and fix it.

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Keith, thank you for your labor of love in writing these important strategies for churches. Sad that we need them but considering the times and chaos out there, I appreciate your wisdom . God bless and keep you, Wendy

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My question would be how this particular team member was vetted. Was it just a standard criminal background check? The vetting should include a written application and an interview to potentially catch individuals with a hero complex.

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Oct 8·edited Oct 8

It’s been stated, and I cannot agree more. The proper vetting of any security team member is a must, and cannot be overlooked. Action taken by this individual does nothing to instill confidence and trust between sworn personnel (and agencies) and the private sector. To be successful in providing the requisite level of security and safety for faith practitioners and places of worship requires alignment, focus and cooperation between the public and private sector. The efforts, in order to be successful, cannot be mutually exclusive .

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Given the current climate in the country and world, and based on the information provided by the Sheriff's department in Burnet, I believe sending out the information was the correct thing to do. Enough said!

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I have been following for a few months. I've learned allot since I started watching your videos. The problem I'm having is I don't think any of the safety team is taking me serious about getting better training and improving the grounds to make it more secure. I feel as if I'm being labeled as a conspiracy theorist type. I take my job serious, but I'm not getting anywhere but a bad label, I feel. I'm almost to the point of withdrawing from the team. I just don't think they take me serious on my heart felt need to improve. What would you all suggest?

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Only you have the answer, but I would stick with it. Not everybody is as dedicated as we are. The problem you’re experiencing is one that everybody is experiencing for the most part. Hold your head high and do what you can do.

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Oct 9Liked by Keith Graves

Just my $.02- don’t stop, don’t pull away. Keep making suggestions and pray for your church. but also pray that God will open the ears and eyes of those and that your words not fall on deaf ears. In Jesus name amen

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People only care when and if you can save them… When you can’t, or you’re too late, or you failed somehow, they all hate you. Then you think of God, with tears in your eyes you wonder why —

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I hear you on the conspiracy theorist label! Was so frustrating during COVID when almost everyone was sucking up the orchestrated government/media/health agency/ pharmaceutical company propaganda.

Prayer! And patience with them. In time, God has shown my family that what I have been saying about Covid, etc. is the truth. If they are open to a little information via alternative news, send them one of Keith’s videos and maybe they will join us here, and there are Christian journalists Maria Zeee and Kristi Leigh sharing truthful news you won’t find on mainstream news much or at all. Praying with you that your church security team will be informed and wise.


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Perhaps Christian Warrior Training should do more verification before responding with a video and news letter in the future. I know it's important to get information out quickly, but it's equally important for that to be correct. I don't wish to be too critical; just asking that you consider how you might avoid a similar situation.

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I was quoting the sheriff's department. I think they are a reliable source. Also, I saw a lot of misinformation floating around from others, such as they were wearing turbins and were M.E. None of that was repeated by me. I think I did a good job of vetting the information coming in. If you feel I am unreliable, I suggest unfollowing me and canceling your subscription.

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Keith, you do an amazing job with the training videos and getting the news info out to us. I appreciate all your hard work and experience as a former law enforcement officer. Sometimes fake stories and miss information happens. Don't let the negative comments of the naysayers ruffle your feathers. God knows your heart and spirit. We’re not perfect, and thats why we have Jesus. God has given you this vision and mission because you have the Heart of a Spiritual Warrior. Thank you Brother and God Bless you!

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I’m thinking as far as false alarms from the Sherriff’s office , better safe than sorry.

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Thanks for bringing it to our attention. It's more important-my opinion-to learn of an incident right away instead of waiting until the story is vetted. It's a shame that a member of a church team felt the need to falsely report this incident. I don't know how you go thru someone's background to find something out like this. A background check will only reveal arrests or convictions, not false reports. It's my understanding that this guy was a good family guy and might even have been a deacon at one time.

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