This is actually part of firearms training. But in real life, it is better for one person to go through legal hell than for the innocents to be slaughtered like sheep.
Thanks for the heads up. I live in CA and will contact my representative. That being said, I'd rather go to jail for life after protecting the innocent than stand by and do nothing to stop evil. Grace and peace to you in Christ.
It has declared itself to be the government of the people by the criminals for the criminals. Which is old news.
Anyway, it seems that the best thing is to stay as well-armed as lawfully possible, vigilant, do right, and suffer the consequences. It is better to be a courageous martyr at the the hands of the State, than a cowardly victim at the hands of thugs.
yes, to die in the Lord is the best thing ever as long as one believes "the gospel By which also ye are saved, [believe that] Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: 1 Corinthians 15:1-4; [Jesus] Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins ..., through the forbearance of God; the law of faith. Romans Chapter 3:25-27
Being criminals occupy the positions of the trusted agents of the public good and the West is a third world country that hates the local white people, folks need to act accordingly. Someone in South America wrote an important editorial that I quoted here
I agree with all of the above statements. However, as a California resident who is on a church security team we have decided that the safety of our congregation comes first! As a retired federal attorney, a daughter that is currently a federal attorney, and an uncle that is a federal judge, we will see the state in court!
Everyone thinks California is so liberal. Perhaps it is, but perhaps we don't really know, as the election system is California seems to have been hijacked by the left, and therefore election results cannot be assumed to be the actual opinion of the electorate. We need fair and honest elections in the worst way.
I live in Washington State/. Typically whatever lunacy the California dems come up with will be presented here within the next year or two. For me, once someone has presented a firearm all bets are off. I am not going to wait to see if they actually pull the trigger. Granted, each case is different and I am a trained and certified counselor. Perhaps I have more tools in my toolbox than my Walther. Still, hesitancy will all too often lead to tragedy. If it comes to protecting God's people, I will use what training I have, which includes time in the Army, and will protect God's people. The legislature can, as the saying goes, sit on it.
I am in Florida and no matter what happens in California I will protect my pastor and congregation with my weapon I have been trained with and carried for years. I will not allow a criminal to invade the peace and security of our time of worship.
Would there be other options, such as employing off-duty police, or the deputization of trained churchgoers so that they have the legal protection of LEOs?
California is a beautiful place, but you couldn't pay me to live there. The "progressives" are in control, and they aren't going away. They are a political cancer on the entire Country.
For those of you in Riverside, San Bernardino, Kern counties. Reach out to your representatives and let them know that AB1333 needs to stop (double check who your representative is)
Also a warning to other liberal states that take their cues from California. Coming soon to a liberal state near you. Keep an eye out for similar legislation and push back hard at the first sign.
I spent 25 years as a deputy sheriff in Ca and retired 6 years ago. This doesn't surprise me. However, there are states who follow Ca laws and make them, or something similar their own. This isn't just a one state problem, it could become a nationwide issue.
2 things to do: Agree with Walt Parsons :) and pray this doesn't pass!
What about the doctrine of defending a third party. If my friend or family member or anyone for that matter is being attacked I can respond as if the attack were on me. Unless all can withdraw safely then your actions would be justified. This law is insane.
Well that takes turn the other cheek to a whole new level now doesn’t it? Retreat and let them shoot you in the backside… so glad I’m in Georgia because that is ridiculous. I really like Walt Parsons’s idea of learning to shoot while walking backwards.
Learn to shoot while stepping backwards.
This is actually part of firearms training. But in real life, it is better for one person to go through legal hell than for the innocents to be slaughtered like sheep.
Meant as a suggestion to our less than lethal California brethren, but yes, life comes first.
Of course California is attempting this. The Leftists want criminals to run rampant and commit murder upon Christians whom the Left sees as enemies.
Thanks for the heads up. I live in CA and will contact my representative. That being said, I'd rather go to jail for life after protecting the innocent than stand by and do nothing to stop evil. Grace and peace to you in Christ.
California has declared war on church goers.
Behave accordingly.
It has declared itself to be the government of the people by the criminals for the criminals. Which is old news.
Anyway, it seems that the best thing is to stay as well-armed as lawfully possible, vigilant, do right, and suffer the consequences. It is better to be a courageous martyr at the the hands of the State, than a cowardly victim at the hands of thugs.
yes, to die in the Lord is the best thing ever as long as one believes "the gospel By which also ye are saved, [believe that] Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: 1 Corinthians 15:1-4; [Jesus] Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins ..., through the forbearance of God; the law of faith. Romans Chapter 3:25-27
Being criminals occupy the positions of the trusted agents of the public good and the West is a third world country that hates the local white people, folks need to act accordingly. Someone in South America wrote an important editorial that I quoted here
\¸.♥ Praise Lord Jesus Christ ♥.¸
/ \ All Glory to God!
I agree with all of the above statements. However, as a California resident who is on a church security team we have decided that the safety of our congregation comes first! As a retired federal attorney, a daughter that is currently a federal attorney, and an uncle that is a federal judge, we will see the state in court!
Everyone thinks California is so liberal. Perhaps it is, but perhaps we don't really know, as the election system is California seems to have been hijacked by the left, and therefore election results cannot be assumed to be the actual opinion of the electorate. We need fair and honest elections in the worst way.
I live in Washington State/. Typically whatever lunacy the California dems come up with will be presented here within the next year or two. For me, once someone has presented a firearm all bets are off. I am not going to wait to see if they actually pull the trigger. Granted, each case is different and I am a trained and certified counselor. Perhaps I have more tools in my toolbox than my Walther. Still, hesitancy will all too often lead to tragedy. If it comes to protecting God's people, I will use what training I have, which includes time in the Army, and will protect God's people. The legislature can, as the saying goes, sit on it.
I am in Florida and no matter what happens in California I will protect my pastor and congregation with my weapon I have been trained with and carried for years. I will not allow a criminal to invade the peace and security of our time of worship.
Would there be other options, such as employing off-duty police, or the deputization of trained churchgoers so that they have the legal protection of LEOs?
It’s going to apply to everyone. Hiring a security company won’t help.
California is a beautiful place, but you couldn't pay me to live there. The "progressives" are in control, and they aren't going away. They are a political cancer on the entire Country.
For those of you in Riverside, San Bernardino, Kern counties. Reach out to your representatives and let them know that AB1333 needs to stop (double check who your representative is)
Assemblymen Tom Lackey
Senator Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
If we dont stand together and speak up then our voices will not be heard!
Also a warning to other liberal states that take their cues from California. Coming soon to a liberal state near you. Keep an eye out for similar legislation and push back hard at the first sign.
And yet the leftists in CALIFORNIA still can't figure out why residents are fleeing from the state and Trump won the election!
I spent 25 years as a deputy sheriff in Ca and retired 6 years ago. This doesn't surprise me. However, there are states who follow Ca laws and make them, or something similar their own. This isn't just a one state problem, it could become a nationwide issue.
2 things to do: Agree with Walt Parsons :) and pray this doesn't pass!
What about the doctrine of defending a third party. If my friend or family member or anyone for that matter is being attacked I can respond as if the attack were on me. Unless all can withdraw safely then your actions would be justified. This law is insane.
Several in our congregation, inluding my wife, use canes or walkers and cannot retreat quickly.
Well that takes turn the other cheek to a whole new level now doesn’t it? Retreat and let them shoot you in the backside… so glad I’m in Georgia because that is ridiculous. I really like Walt Parsons’s idea of learning to shoot while walking backwards.