Let's not forget FBI Dir. Wray has no reason to tell anyone the truth. He is a serial liar. His recent briefing for US County Sheriffs was a mixture of fact and misdirection. Search the sources for facts that'll keep you and your organization safe. Uncontrolled immigrant invasions have a way of altering entire societies. Our former Republic is undergoing a rolling coup. Arm up. Train.

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This training is so vital. I truly appreciate the time that you put into this. I know first hand it seems like you are speaking to an empty room full of people...but some of us are really listening.

Here to serve...

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I agree. We are listening. Thank you!

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That means the FBI will target churches.

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If they have enough information to put out a warning like this, they better be able to stop it!!! We already know they are corrupt and inefficient, we also know they themselves have gone after Christians and Catholics. If we see terroristic happenings we will assume they are complicit!

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So our communist government let in ALL THESE ILLEGAL TERRORISTS and now warning “US”???!! These idiots caused this, WHY IS IT UP TO US to protect ourselves from the TERRORISTS THEY WELCOMED IN??!?! DO YOUR FREAKING JOB and protect the AMERICAN CITIZENS YOU WERE PAID TO PROTECT!!

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He forgets who’ll be in the White House, nevertheless, bring it on…this is where wheat and chaff separate

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Of course they leave out the part where they let 1,000’s of terrorists cross the border and haven’t kept trace of them in our cities.

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Sir, please help us understand our idiot Governor's plan to take away our right to protect ourselves and our church with his new law in California. https://pjmedia.com/rick-moran/2023/12/31/appeals-court-allows-californias-public-spaces-gun-ban-to-go-into-effect-n4925123. Thank you sir

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In an active shooter scenario, like a terrorist attack to the church, will the paster get in trouble if the terrorists is killed in church,? we rent the space

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No. Self defense is an absolute right.

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The devil is a conman, a fraud, and a toothless lion. He can say whatever the hell he wants.

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Preparing us for their false flag attacks again. Worked so well in 2001, they’re gonna stick with it for a while longer.

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You mean like the FBI???? Suck it up… You cannot separate true Christian’s from their God!

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Let’s see, the heights of our gov orgs, especially fbi, has been infiltrated by Satanists, right?

And Satanists hate what the church symbolizes, right?

And fbi has been known to fake terrorist attacks by doing attacks themselves and blaming it on Hamas or ISIS terrorist groups, right?

So yes, as cabal is gasping its’ final breaths it does certainly seem, once again, the fbi will bomb churches and murder churchgoers and put out the story on its’ own media that another terrorist attack has happened against an American church

They’ll once again create the problem them present themselves as the ones to fix it


the government cycle, rinse and repeat

Satanists attacking God’s house

I’m 😮 🫢 😳 shocked

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How many of the terrorists have been trained and equipped by the FBI ? Wray does seem gleeful about it if absolutely impotent to stop these many threats they allowed into the country under Obama and Biden.

They were so convinced that Christians and patriotic conservatives were the greatest threat to America! They are Liars or idiots. I’d guess they are liars.

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December 2023!!!!

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Hang this little sakofshit and burn the FucN body- add that FAGG commie bitch Comey!

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